Friday, April 26, 2013

New Communication APP for Children & Adults with Deafblindness

HIMS Chat is a free Apple application which facilitates communication between a person who is deafblind and a sighted individual using the iPad. It has Bluetooth capabilities and can be connected to other accessible devices. Many people do not realize how accessible Apple technology can be for a variety of users. Here is some detailed information on the app by AppleVis. There are so many built-in accessibility features on top of the creative apps now on the market. Take a look at a great app for a young child with visual impairment or blindness.

1 comment:

  1. I just discovered your website I and I must say that I am truly impressed with the wide selection of apps you have assembled here. It’s great that people with special needs have all of the this great stuff to teach and entertain them. To get more info please visit
