Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Low Tech, Low Cost & Freebies

As budgets continue to be tight, here are some great resources to share and take a look at! Assistive technology does not have to cost a lot or be complicated to use!

National Public Website on Assistive Technology  offers a variety of resources including a list of AT exchanges  and other resources for individuals and families to access equipment.

Linda J. Burkhart continues to offer wonderful ideas, instructions and links to valuable resources on her  Simplified Technology website.

Tots-n-Tech offers a list of resources which include make it yourself ideas, low cost and low tech options.

Let’s Play Resources from the University of Buffalo has a number of free downloads which provide information on how to support infants using AT.

Instructables has a large variety of “how to” ideas with instructions on how to build various pieces of low to high tech.

SETBC:  This website has been shared before. If you have not already looked at it you should!


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